Intra-University Poster Presentation
- Time: 10:00 AM - 01.00 PM
- Date: 24 Sep, 2023
- Participant type: Team
- Maximum member: 2
- Registration Fee: 300
- Payment method:
- Payment number:
- Registration Deadline: 12 Sep, 2023, 11:59 PM
- Registration Now: Click here
A well-designed poster is equivalent to a million words. Posters are a means of expressing ideas and technical knowledge. The goal of this poster presentation competition is to bring out participants' creative expression and assess their knowledge and understanding of various trends in Science and Engineering. The poster must be visually appealing and describe the subject matter's importance in detail.
Poster Guideline:
Following are the guidelines for the prescribed contents and format of the poster presentation:
- 1. Each team will consist of a maximum of 2 participants. (Not Allow Male & Female Combined Group).
- 2. Only students of IIUC are eligible to apply.
- 3. Participants can refer to the poster template as a guideline. The design is all based on the researcher.
- 4. The content of the poster must be the researcher’s own work. (Note that to be submitted to Poster Presentation Competition, the overall similarity rate of a poster paper should not exceed 30 percent, plagiarism report checked by: Turnitin Tools, Class ID: 40391873 Enrollment Key: POSTER2023)
- 5. Presenters are required to attend the parallel session from beginning to end.
- 6. The poster's theme must follow IIUC’s branding guidelines, including logo and tagline. (As per template)
- 7. Number of Rounds: Two rounds are Poster-Submission (Online) & Final Presentation (Offline)
- 8. The size of poster available at the following link:
- 9. Poster orientation must be in Portrait.
- 10. The poster content should be in English.
- 11. Relevant images must be included.
- 12. Participant must carry out their respective printed poster in the prescribed format.
- 13. A maximum of 5 minutes will be given per team to elaborate on the poster.
- 14. Participants who fail to attend the presentation and Q &A session will be disqualified
- 15. Presentation must be in English only.
- 16. Presenters are required to wear formal attire while presenting their posters.
- 17. Participant has to explain their poster content to the committee to the visitors during the session.
- 18. The Presenters should arrive at least one hour before the poster session starts.
- 19. Don’t Take back the poster at the end of the session.
- 20. The decision of the judges/committee will be final.
- 21. Violation of any rule mentioned above can lead to disqualification of the poster at any time.
- 22. The organizers reserve the right to change/update the contest rules at any time and will do their best to inform the participants.
- 23. Closing Ceremony and Awards Presentation will be held on 27/09/2023 (Compulsory for all participants).
- 24. All registered participants will receive a certificate for participation.
The following should be the content of the poster for evaluation:
- 1. Research Title
- 2. Abstract (brief summary of objectives, methods, results, and conclusions)
- 3. Introduction
- 4. Methodology
- 5. Result and Analysis (Tables, Graphs, Charts)
- 6. Conclusion
- 7. Reference (IEEE / Harvard Format)
- 1. Use a small font size and shadow effect.
- 2. Use the same background color as the title and its content.
- 3. Use blurry images.
- 4. Put a lengthy description.
- 5. Use landscape format
Registration Guidelines:
- 1. The participants are requested to submit their posters (along with Plagiarism Detector Report by Turnitin Software) in PDF and PPT according to the prescribed directions within the deadline to
- 2. E-Poster submission deadline is on 12/09/2023.
- 3. File Format: Save your E-poster as PDF or PPT (no other format will be accepted)
- 4. File Size: The file size of the E-poster should not exceed 100 Megabytes (100MB).
Selected Poster Paper
- 5. E-Poster and proof of Payment must be done online via Google form at:
- 6. E-Poster and proof of fee payment submission deadline is on 21/09/2023.